Freemasons Freimaurer Francmaçons Illuminati
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2025-01-23 18:43:15 UTC
Freemasons Freimaurer Francmaçons Illuminati

Watch The Pharaoh Show. Schaut Die Pharaonen Show. Voir Le Pharaon Show.
2025-01-23 19:03:53 UTC
If God created man then he chose Aquatic Ape to do it...

There's two models for human evolution. One takes what we know,
what we have the evidence for and extrapolates. This is Aquatic
Ape theory or AAT. The other model mostly gets by ignoring

Everyone believes we have Aquatic Ape ancestors, even the "We
evolved on an African savanna" diehards. It's HOW we got to
such divergent points as Africa & Australia, and everywhere in
between: "Coastal Dispersal."

The Out of Africa purists insists that our ancestors left Africa,
following the coast, and eventually arrived in Australia.

Aquatic Ape says if they were on the coast -- following the
coast -- they were eating there. They were living there,
exploiting marine resources. They weren't following a map and
they weren't stopping at Burger Kings on the way. No, they
were living right there, on the coast, exploiting those marine

Obvious, isn't it?

Aquatic Ape extrapolates this. It says that this exploitation
of marine resources did suddenly begin 65k years ago. In fact,
it had been happening all along, which is why we find 2 million
(plus) year old tools in Asia. In fact, this exploitation of
marine resources is why we diverged from apes like the Chimp
in the first place. THEY adapted to the forest, WE adapted to
live waterside.

Out of Africa purity is a giant circular argument. The look
where their conclusion tells them to look, and interpret
everything that they find using their conclusion as the
framework. And if something doesn't fit at all, like finding
a human in Greece long before he's supposed to exist there,
they just announce that it "Proves" something about their
model and then promptly forget about it.